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Peace For Ukraine - Roberto Trevisan | Indio do Village People
Stop Trump - The Wall - Paródia Roberto Trevisan
Peace For Ukraine Participação Roberto Trevisan Felipe Rose Village People
Peace For Ukraine Roberto Trevisan Indio do Village People
NO WAR 〜Peace for UKRAINE by Yorsie
Domingo Espetacular Roberto Trevisan
Mulheres - Musical: Roberto Trevisan (15/02/2016)
STOP THE WAR | Ukraine- Russia war| STOP THE WAR – EMOTIONAL SONG | Song for peace| voice for peace|
Cantor Roberto Trevisan destina direitos autorais de canção em prol de refugiados na Ucrânia
Felipe Rose from the Village People on the Ultimate Disco Cruise 2020
St. Louis musicians hold benefit concert for Ukraine